Tell them your Big Story.

This is how.

You have a chest.

A big one.

It’s right behind you, but most people never opened it.

And guess what?

You’re one email away from it.

This one.

But first -

What’s up bro?

It’s Adam for a new show!

Today we’re deep diving into the main story you have.

Also called your backstory.

But we’ll add something new.



1/ What’s my Big Story?

Ever heard of the term “Big Idea”?

That’s the main idea you’ll write about.

It’s the same thing.

But we’ll use that frame for your backstory.

Let’s take me as an example.

My Big Idea is creation.

I create content that my younger self would hate hearing.

Because it’s what he needed to hear.

Now my Big Story is my gaming addiction.

But instead of just pinning it…

I wanna extract its gold.

2/ Big story, multi shots.

If you have read the latest letter, you know what I mean.

Instead of just pinning it as your “backstory”, why not push its potential further?

I’m sure you know this saying:

“A great writer can write 1 thing in 100 different ways”.

That’s what we’re going to do with your Big Story.

We’ll take it from every angle, and preache different messages related to your brand.


  • Gaming taught me that sacrifice is part of the growth.

  • Gaming showed me that teaming is the right path.

  • Being ashamed of my gaming addiction showed me that I had a different story and I could talk about it.

So you take each of these angles, and you write a long-form for each one.

Crazy right?

3/ Reviving souls.

But the best part is this one.

Imagine if you can revive souls with this Big Story.

(Reviving = Saving lost souls).

You can.

And that’s how you gather fans.

In 3 points:

  1. Align the lessons with your core beliefs.

  2. Make it vulnerable and relatable. (show the reality)

  3. Repurpose what works in short form.

You’ll have people relating to your stuff. (for me it’s gonna be gamer)

You’ll have a solid brand because you stay true to yourself.

And you’ll have more ideas for content.

Now it’s up to you.

You have read this and you’re ahead.

You can keep scrolling or take action.

And if you need anything, just DM me on X.

I’m open to everyone :)

Your man,



or to participate.