Storytelling isn't telling.

It's sharing.

10 months.

It’s how long I knew about storytelling.

For real.

First time I saw it was Kieran Drew giving storytelling tips.

I immediately loved it.

So I started writing few.

1 a day to be exact.

And keep going for 30 days.

Then I stopped.


Lack of clarity.

It’s fun 2 sec.

But I felt clueless.

Yet it never left me.

So in August, I made a decision.

“I’ll keep writing one story a day until I figure it out.”

Figure out what?

This missing piece.

And guess what?

I was right.

Something was missing.

The idea.

The thing I was struggling with the most was obvious:


I’d stare at my screen for 20 minutes and be left with 5.

It was painful.

So I revisited my system.

And it hit me:

It’s 50/50.

The story is what you tell right?

But there’s no story without an idea.


Because the idea is what you want to tell.

Stories are just tools.

Now reframe it.

It’s not:

“What story can I write today?”


“What idea do I want to impact people with?”

See - It’s like a prompt.

Now train yourself.

Every morning, ask your lizard brain:

“What idea do I want to impact people with?”

And find a story.

Your man,



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