Stop searching for new ideas.

You're doing it the wrong way.

What’s up bro?

It’s Adam for a new show!

Today I stumbled across a post from Jeremiah on X.

This guy is THE goat.

He’s the best storyteller I know for real.

So I was observing his content.

And something clicked in my mind:

He’s different.

He always talks about the same thing, but differently.

And you know what?

Most people do the opposite.

They talk about different things, but one time.

They think ‘ideas’ are the grail.

But there’s missing out on something…

The basis.

A writer can write about 1 thing 100 times.

“I broke my leg yesterday.”


→ Your body is like your writing, if you don’t strengthen it, you’ll break it.

→ You know why I broke my leg? Because I wasn’t aware. Be more aware if you don’t want your writing to be soulless.

→ I broke my leg because I forced too much on it. Don’t force your writing or you’ll break it, think more.

These are just drafts.

I wrote them on one trial.

Now imagine if I journaled.

Now imagine if I also took a walk.

Now imagine if I added a better environment.

I could turn this simple event, not even an idea into a great tree of perspective.

Yet if you see on X…

People think ‘ideas over perspective’.

Trust me I did.

And it’s the most stupid thing.

Reframe your perspective.

It’s not ‘ideas over perspective’.

It’s ‘turning ideas into different perspectives’.

Think different.

Your man,



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