Make friends.

This is going to skyrocket your business.

Last week I preached making friends.

So much that I felt guilty.

And honesty…

The advice in itself looks good.

But there’s one problem.

You’re doing it wrong.


Because instead of making friends as you do in real life.

You’re spamming your interlocutor with:

  • “how are u?”

  • “how’s the journey going"?”

  • “what’s going on?”

Then the guy just says “doing great hbu?”.

And poof!

No talks for weeks.

Then again - Same thing, same answer.

C’mon bro, you think you’re going to grow an audience that way?

Be honest - the answer is no.

So before you leave this email, I want you to do a few things:

  1. Go on X and open your DMs.

    I want you to search for 3 people you have been talking with recently, even through the comment section I don’t mind.

  2. If you can’t write a DM properly. Simply write for him:

    “What’s up bro?

    [Something he did recently or related to him in any way].

    By the way, wanna add each other on WhatsApp?”

    Boom, now you have one real friend.

  3. Once you have done that, go every day and talk to at least 1 person (on free time ofc). And go talk about something.

  4. And take the habit of sharing stuff with him daily.

    • Document what you’re doing.

    • Send him a gif.

    • Tell him something you found out on X.

Now he can’t ghost you.

And why WhatsApp?

Because it’s out of X.

So you don’t have the distractions.

I do it with 3 people currently and just started.

So don’t worry if it takes time.

But 3 months from here you’ll see these same guys like your bros.

You can trust me.

Your man,



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