I made a mistake.

Community isn't about writing.

I’m on holiday.

My parents are driving.

And I’m about to meet all my cousins.

But then I feel it:

My hands sweat & my heart is beating quickly.

I can’t handle it.

“What da hail is happening?”

All these random memories start overwhelming me.

Then I realized.

They aren’t so random.

They all have a common point:

All these memories want to remind me of my weakness.


This is my weakest ability.

Whether it’s on calls, or with family.

I’m fuking shy.

And I can’t handle it.

The hic?

That’s not how I leader should be.

So I reflected.


Again and again.

“I need to fight it” - was my conclusion.

And this time I don’t want to hide it.

That’s why I told you about it.

That’s why I’m gonna fight it.

So from now - expect:

  • More calls.

  • More networking.

  • More spaces.

I focused so much on writing that I forgot about the most important skill:


It’s the oral side of writing.

Imagine a copywriter who can’t speak.

No way.

So don’t do it too.

Learn from me.

Your man,


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