The high-value episode.

A story worth hearing.

Let me tell you a story…

It’s april.

I’m at school.

The teacher is boring af.

So I spend my time on Twitter, searching for “interesting tweets”.

I check my bookmark.

“Wait, who is that guy?”

I have already seen him somewhere.

Him and his threads.

High value only.

I’m sure you know him.

The crocs leader.

Of course I’m talking about Sebastian Rogza.

This guy inspired me a lot.

But also killed me.

Here’s why:

As I said it all started with that scroll.

(By that time I was in my 7th month of trying to build an audience, but just a newcomer in the personal brand niche.)

Reading his content was a revelation.

I felt like a cave full of gold.

Same feeling.

Same reaction.

And as I kept scrolling through his thread I remembered that he sent me a DM.

It was a giveaway from days ago.

I downloaded it.

Full of high-value.

I still remember him saying “No bullsh!t. Pure value”

Even now, I have nothing to say.

His content was actional and better than anyone else.

But it was the problem.

It was so good that I wanted to do the same.

And immediately after getting this idea…

Everything went fast.


New “mission”.

Little did I know that I became another agent of the matrix.

And so, I started preaching the same thing.

And even though I now know he wasn’t that kind of guru, it was the effect he had on me.

I’d DM him, ask for advice, and apply.

But being too actionable isn’t good.

Because I was repeating the same thing.

And the gap between him and me was huge.

And so was the gap of knowledge between us.

I could do nothing but repeat the same thing.

And later on that journey, it became clear:

I was following a trend.

It’s only after taking a step back that I saw every other mini Seb.

Preaching high value every time.

So I stopped.

I closed my laptop.

Threw it and started playing games again.

Of course, I’m joking.

Even though I failed.

I learned something.


When something seems too good to be true, think about it.

Is it really worth it?

Is there a counterprice?

What’s the cost?

Maybe you’d ruin your branding.

Maybe you’ll lose your network.

So make sure to always be you.

If it works for others it doesn’t mean it’s gonna work for you.

On that note.

I now have to go.

Thank you for being there.

I hope you learned something here.

See you soon.

Peace up,



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