The creator show is back!

Lot of stuff coming

Ok - what's up bro?

Yeah, I know it it's been a long time.

Maybe weeks I don't really know.

“But you said you'd be posting daily”

“I thought you'd share everything here”

“I waited for so long”

That's right.

But guess what?

I didn't have anything to share honestly.

I was circling in this “creator economy”.

Praising for inbounds.

Writing the same BS.

However - things changed.

During the last 18 days I went all in monetization.

But when I say “went all” - I mean it.

I spent my days learning everything I could.

I was even playing chess and working out to keep mind and body sharp.

And I figured out lots of things.

And that's what I'm about to share with you.


So get ready (to be frank, you can't)


Your man,



or to participate.